October 26

How to Show Empathy at Work

I could hear the fear and anxiety in my friend’s voice and I knew that the next thing I said could either make it worse or help relieve his burden. He could be glad he called me or wishing he’d dialed someone else.

The problem was that his boss, who he deeply respected as both a coach and mentor, was resigning from the company. He had just found the job after a year of being laid off, going on weekly interviews, and having to go on government assistance to make ends meet. He never wanted to be in that position again.

“If you value it, you’ll make time for it.”

Day-after-day, I coach leaders in business who value results more than relationships. As a result, their credibility is negatively
impacted and their team morale is often low. Being a leader with high emotional intelligence doesn’t mean we put results or relationships above the other. It means we value both and we take the necessary time to build authentic relationships so we get results the “right way.” In doing so, we cultivate stronger trust with others and we model to future leaders how to create a culture that will set the organization up for long-term success.

Below are eight ways you can make time for and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships in all areas of your life:

  1. Support others’ goals & dreams
  2. Celebrate & recognize their success
  3. Be emotionally present & available
  4. Trust them enough to handle the truth
  5. Be willing to share your whole self
  6. Make consistent investments in the relationship
  7. Acknowledge others’ thoughts and emotions
  8. Apologize when needed & work through hard times

I hope you will pick at least one action to focus on today!

YouTube Video Embed

Do you have another best-practice in building relationships that weren’t mentioned in the list above? Email me your suggestion. I would love to share it with others.  

Finally, below is a short video on ways you can make deposits into your relationships!

If no one tells you they believe in you today, I believe in you.

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